Loading car type rolling forming machine/Vehicle-mounted rolling machine

Other Building Material Machine, Product

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Loading car type rolling forming machine/Vehicle-mounted rolling machine is designed to make the rolling machine movable like a truck. It can be used to make any type profiles, just as the rolling forming machine working methods. By this way, you can drive it to any place to work.Roll forming machine

Take the following drawing profile for example to show you how the Loading car type rolling forming machine/Vehicle-mounted rolling machine is designed:

This profile is designed to make the greenhouse profile. The decoier is installed in the machine. On the bottom it has the rails, when taking; it will be like a tank. You can put it at the working area to work.

The machine has power, it can worke without electricity.

The machine working speed can reach 15 meter per minute.

It has shearing system, it can cut any length.

It has the PLC control system; the rolling forming machine can work fully automatic.

It uses the molding frame, even if long time moving, the rollers can be fixed tightly and the profile could be accurate.

Take this Loading car type rolling forming machine/Vehicle-mounted rolling machine

You can take it to the working area then no need to do transportation of the finished products. You can cut at any length according to you real needs. For example, this machine produces the greenhouse pillar and gutters, as the profile needs more 20 meters long sometime, it is quite hard to transport. Under this situation, this type car loading machine is good for you.

The machine working status, it is easy to adjust the transport.

